RST Control System Electrical
& Instrument (I) Pvt. Ltd.

RST Control System Electrical & Instrument (I) Pvt. Ltd. was established in Year 2000 i.e. in the beginning of this Millennium.

RST enters into the EPC business has been prompted by our concern for on time project completion & to provide services till full satisfaction of our Customer. Our vast experience in project activities has amply justified this step We offer a single point solution to the in industries for Electrical & Instrumentation of all over India, taking care of project engineering, procurement, construction & commissioning for its clients.

We are focused strongly on turnkey execution of projects in Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Fertilizers, Oil and Gas, Refineries, Power plants, Cement & Steel Plant, Agro based industries, water & life Sciences, Beverages & Distilleries, Sugar Factories general industry and other sectors.

Providing single source responsibility, we are draws its strength from our vast experience of our Technical & site supporting staff & well experienced work force. The projects have been delivered with best engineering practices delivering the highest quality standards and successfully meeting all the stringent completion targets.

From proposal engineering to post-commissioning start-up services – we handle it all. We always believe & adopt new systems continuously to improve our company in operational excellence to meet customer expectations.
The EPC Team is structured into various functional groups comprising of capable specialists in all branches of engineering, finance, contracts management.


Our “Mission” is to be positioned the top performing Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)companies in India.


Our “Vision” is to be a world – class service provider, delivering long-term benefits for consumers and contributing to the Indian economy

Quality Policy

RST conform to high standards of quality by focusing on customer satisfaction and employee involvement.

Why Us?

We value the power of partnering with our customers.
Your input and insights help us think proactively and work nimbly to create solutions that
optimize your energy productivity, reliability, and operational efficiency.

Contact us

EPC Services

EPC stands for Engineering, Procurement, Construction and is a prominent form of contracting agreement in the construction industry.

The engineering and construction contractor will carry out the detailed engineering design of the project, procure all the equipment and materials necessary, and then construct to deliver a functioning facility or asset to their clients. Companies that deliver EPC Projects are commonly referred to as EPC Contractors.

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Our Projects

Agro Based Companies

Agro Based Companies

Manufacturing Plant

Manufacturing Plant

Power Plant

Power Plant

Brevarages & distilleries

Brevarages & distilleries

Oil & GAS

Oil & GAS


Residential and Commercial

Chemical & refinery

Chemical & refinery

Other Industries

Other Industries

Sugar Factories

Sugar Factories




Happy Clients

